Welcome to www.GrassyKnoll.US

If you want to know more about the JFK Assassination, you've come to the right place.

www.GrassyKnoll.US has 3 main goals:
1) To show newcomers to this issue, with clear & simple proof, how we know a conspiracy murdered our president. 
2) To guide you to resources that point toward an understanding of the crime and its continuing relevance.
3) To report to you relevant new information on the assassination research as it becomes available.

Back and forth arguments over whether there was or was not a conspiracy can be found elsewhere. Once the very real evidence for conspiracy is understood, those arguments become a distraction and a tactic for indefinitely delaying a true understanding of the historical context of the murder, who was behind it, why they carried it out and why our major institutions (government, press) resist acknowledging the truth of what happened.

This website was launched in September 2013 during the editor's free time of which there isn't much. More (book reviews, links to articles & interviews, the clear & simple proof mentioned above, etc.) will be added as time permits so please stay connected via Twitter.

Featured: Dr. Cyril Wecht's Keynote Speech at JFK Symposium on 40th Anniversary of Assassination

Dr. Cyril Wecht has performed more than 18,000 autopsies over 50+ years. Click below to view Dr. Cyril Wecht's presentation on the medical aspects of the assassination.